This index relies on publicly available information and as such, some shops have less available information on them than others, which will be reflected by an asterisk next to the numerical score.
October 10th, 2011 is Taiwan’s birthday, and it is also Unocha’s birthday. Originating from a little street vendor in Kaohsiung, we have always upheld our philosophy of introducing true “kung-fu tea” to the world. After three years, more and more friends who empathized with our goal have joined the Unocha team, and we have since expanded beyond Kaohsiung into Pingtung and Tainan.¹
Brand philosophy
Chen has said that too many brands rise and fall quickly, and franchise owners often end up losing money and closing shop. Unocha is a brand that he built from the ground up, and it is his life-long ambition to keep it going. Unocha doesn’t have to be number one in number of franchises, but it has to be number one in quality. In 2019, Unocha opened shop in Taichung and Taipei, hoping to capitalize on the commercial districts near universities. They emphasize a return to more natural teas, and encourage customers to try pure tea without added sugars.²
2019 ITQI certification
Unocha was ITQI (International Taste and Quality Institute) certified in 2019 with their Dong Pien Tsai and Jin Xuan Oolong tea. They were awarded the two-star Superior Taste Award.³
[1] 烏弄官網
[2] [3] 差點倒閉手搖飲攤 榮獲國際米其林二星獎

雙十節=>1911/10/10 武昌起義發起日 隔年一月創立中華民國。 烏弄老闆確定是台灣的生日嗎?